Special Needs Ministry


Special needs

Those with special needs and their assistants: Everyone is given a warm sense of belonging.

At Shiloh, we offer a warm caring environment and ministry to people with special needs. We believe all the children of God have something to offer for the betterment of the whole church body.

We help, pray for, and support individuals in their spiritual journey...and experience ministry from each of them in return as they believe and nurture their spiritual strengths, humbly serving and encouraging our hearts. They lift their Saviour high to bless others with sincere hearts of love and compassion.

Matthew 5:5

How blessed are those who are humble, because it is they who will inherit the earth!

In spite of disabilities, the soul reaches out to God. Justin cannot see, but through the sound of the beat made by his own hands on the taut drum skin, he expresses his praise and worship on the bongos.

Justin Cross, Derrick Randall, Ron Peel, Sarah Cross, Levi Thomas, and many others have lovingly participated in our services. I personally have been richly blessed by my friends at Shiloh and have grown since coming alongside these special precious individuals.

— Bobbijo Ball


Jim and Ron chat in the lobby
wheelchair van

A wheelchair van makes it possible to get people like Sara out to the services.

Sara's special van with wheelchair access has been a special blessing, not only to Sara, but also to others, making it possible for them to get a ride to the services.